I am here in this place because I love my country and because I have great hopes and dreams for its future. I am here because, through the pursuit of good policy, I want to contribute to building a better nation."

Senator Sarah Henderson
First speech, 16 October 2019
"I am here because, through the pursuit of good policy, I want to contribute to building a better nation."

Senator Sarah Henderson
First speech, 16 October 2019
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Sharri, Sky News, 6 February 2025
Topics: Antisemitism, PM’s weak leadership, universities Sharri Markson: All right, let’s return now to today’s top story in Canberra – Peter Dutton’s demand for an inquiry

Albanese’s weak leadership on antisemitism on show again
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has demonstrated yet again his weak leadership with Labor and the Greens blocking the Coalition’s attempt in the Senate today to

Victorians can’t afford Labor, Statements by senators
From the Prime Minister to the Premier, Labor has failed Victorians and overseen the decay of the once great state of Victoria. That is

Interactive Gambling Amendment (Ban Gambling Ads) Bill 2024, second reading
Well, it is somewhat ironic that we are here today in this chamber debating a bill put forward by the Australian Greens to ban

The Albanese Labor government has failed to tackle antisemitism
I move that the Senate take note of the answers given by the Minister for Foreign Affairs (Senator Wong) and the Minister for Indigenous Australians

Back to school bites budgets under Labor
Joint media release Shadow Treasurer, Hon Angus Taylor MP Shadow Minister for Education, Senator Sarah Henderson Recent inflation data has shown the price of sending
Send a message to Sarah
As Shadow Minister for Education, Sarah is deeply committed to the critical role of education in advancing the lives of every young Australian and in driving our nation’s prosperity.
As a Liberal senator for Victoria, Sarah is also a very strong voice for the people of Victoria, particularly in regional Victoria where she is based.
If you are seeking Sarah’s assistance or wish to raise an issue, please send her a message here. For any urgent matter, please call her office on the number below.Media
Please use the contact form for any media enquiries.
231-233 Moorabool St, Geelong Vic 3220
(03) 5221 5900