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I am here in this place because I love my country and because I have great hopes and dreams for its future. I am here because, through the pursuit of good policy, I want to contribute to building a better nation."

Senator Sarah Henderson

First speech, 16 October 2019

"I am here because, through the pursuit of good policy, I want to contribute to building a better nation."

Senator Sarah Henderson

First speech, 16 October 2019

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    Labor fails on university governance

    The Albanese Labor Government’s failure of leadership on university governance has been laid bare in a Senate inquiry today, exposing its inaction on antisemitism in

    Radio interviews

    Breakfast with Ben Fordham, 2GB, 10 March 2025

     Topics: Universities, indoctrination, anti-Semitism, ABC impartiality, WA election result, federal election. Ben Fordham: About students who are being forced to pass woke tests that


    Media statement – NSW school funding

    As has been previously announced, a future Coalition Government will honour all school funding agreements entered into with the states and territories. However, the Albanese

    Radio interviews

    Breakfast with Stephen Cenatiempo, 2CC, 28 February 2025

     Topics: Student-first policy, student safety Stephen Cenatiempo: The Coalition has pledged what they’re calling a ‘Student-first’ education policy, which whilst, you know, there’s probably

    Send a message to Sarah

    As Shadow Minister for Education, Sarah is deeply committed to the critical role of education in advancing the lives of every young Australian and in driving our nation’s prosperity.

    As a Liberal senator for Victoria, Sarah is also a very strong voice for the people of Victoria, particularly in regional Victoria where she is based.

    If you are seeking Sarah’s assistance or wish to raise an issue, please send her a message here. For any urgent matter, please call her office on the number below.


    Please use the contact form for any media enquiries.


    231-233 Moorabool St, Geelong Vic 3220
    (03) 5221 5900

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