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Victorian Government must withdraw criminal threats against parents fighting gender-neutral school toilets

The Federal Shadow Minister for Education, Sarah Henderson, has called on the Allan Labor Government to withdraw criminal threats against two mothers who raised legitimate concerns about gender-neutral toilets at Clifton Springs Primary School.

The threats to charge two Clifton Springs parents with stalking were made by a senior education department officer who claimed flyers to promote a rally on Sunday against the toilets constituted “…abusive or offensive material, intended to cause harm to an individual [which] may constitute the criminal offence of stalking.”  The two parents did not create the flyer but distributed it to some community members including via social media.”

“The Victorian education department’s threat to charge these parents with stalking over a community campaign against the gender-neutral toilets is not only outrageous, but constitutes a gross abuse of power,” Senator Henderson said.

“Victorian education minister Ben Carroll must immediately apologise to these mothers who have raised legitimate safety and privacy concerns about forcing boys and girls in primary school to use the same bathroom facilities.”

“Threatening parents with criminal charges for distributing a flyer about a rally opposing gender-neutral toilets is a disgrace.”

“I share parents’ concerns about gender-neutral toilets in schools which put the privacy and dignity of girls and boys at risk, particularly during puberty.  The right of girls to access female-only spaces such as toilets is a fundamental human right.  Boys, too, have this fundamental right.”

With more than 1,600 local residents signing a petition against the gender-neutral toilets, Senator Henderson is also concerned that parents were misled by the distribution of plans which showed that separate girls and boys toilets would be built.

“It is clear the concerns of many parents are not being heard, some of whom have now withdrawn their children from the school,” Senator Henderson said.

“The construction of gender-neutral toilets in Victorian government schools is driven by an extreme-left ideology which disregards the best interests of children,” Senator Henderson said.

“I have written to Minister Carroll requesting he immediately withdraw these threats of criminal prosecution, apologise to both parents and reinstate separate boys and girls toilets at Clifton Springs Primary School.”

Senator Henderson is encouraging local residents to attend the rally this coming Sunday at 10.00am, to be held at the Jetty Rd rotunda, 50-70 Jetty Rd, Clifton Springs.

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