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Spelling out an opportunity

Liberal Senator for Victoria, Sarah Henderson, wants students in Victoria to test their spelling skills by taking part in the inaugural Prime Minister’s Spelling Bee.

The Prime Minister’s Spelling Bee is a nationwide competition for students in years 3 to 8 that promotes reading and literacy.

“Our Government believes literacy and numeracy skills should be the cornerstone of every student’s education,” Senator Henderson said.

“The Prime Minister’s Spelling Bee is such a great initiative because it will help improve spelling, and that helps improve reading which helps improves learning.

“We need to encourage our young Australians to be avid readers so they become curious, creative and informed citizens.

“I visit Victorian schools regularly and I see firsthand the benefits to our students of strong literacy skills.”

“I also get to meet many impressive young people as part of my work and I believe the students from Victoria are amongst the best spellers in the country.

“I encourage students and schools to sign up for the Prime Minister’s Spelling Bee, have some fun and improve your literacy skills.”

The first Prime Minister’s Spelling Bee gets underway from 9 March 2020, for more information or to register visit

27 February 2020

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