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New employment facilitators for Barwon region

Job seekers in Victoria’s south west region of Barwon will benefit from the Australian Government’s $276 million Local Jobs Program, with the appointment of two new Employment Facilitators.

Ms Carley Brennan and Ms Tracey Jeffery, who commenced their roles on 27 September, will identify labour market challenges in the Barwon region while generating and coordinating employment and training opportunities for local job seekers.

Minister for Employment, Workforce, Skills, Small and Family Business, the Hon Stuart Robert MP, said the Local Jobs Program aims to increase the capacity of the region’s workforces by supporting training and upskilling opportunities.

‘The Government will continue to support the COVID-19 recovery of Barwon’s businesses by making sure we have locally relevant training and upskilling opportunities for job seekers,’ Minister Robert said.

‘These Employment Facilitators will assist job seekers by removing barriers to participation and employment, helping our skills-led economic recovery.’

Assistant Minister for Youth and Employment Services, the Hon Luke Howarth MP, said the Local Jobs Program is expanding from 25 Employment Regions to cover all 51 Employment Regions across Australia.

‘This will increase the number of facilitator services on the ground around the country, with the program extended to June 2025,’ Assistant Minister Howarth said.

Senator for Victoria Sarah Henderson said new employment facilitators will enable skilled workers to reach opportunities in sectors including health care, retail and manufacturing across the City of Greater Geelong, Surf Coast Shire, the Borough of Queenscliffe and the Golden Plains Shire.

‘Our goal is to build opportunities for our local workforce and generate new roles for job seekers, particularly young people as we emerge from the pandemic,’ Senator Henderson said.

‘This program is designed to develop training that is aligned with local industry workforce needs for people with a disability, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.’

More details can be found at:

12 October 2021

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