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Labor’s schools tax another cruel blow for Victorian families

In the Victorian state Budget, the Andrews Labor Government has delivered another cruel blow to thousands of hard working families.

More than 130 Independent and Catholic schools across Victoria, which charge annual fees of $7,500 or more a year, will no longer be eligible for a payroll tax exemption. This is expected to cost these schools some $422 million over three years from 1 July 2023, impacting an estimated 140,000 students across the state.

As a result, these schools will be placed in the terrible position of increasing school fees, cutting vital programs or implementing both fee increases and cuts to services.

“This is another decision from a high-taxing, high-spending Labor government which will which result in higher school fees for tens of thousands of Victorian parents,” Senator Henderson said.

“Most families which send their children to a non-government school aren’t wealthy; they simply want to choose the type of education they feel is right for their child. Many parents work second jobs and make other big sacrifices to pay school fees,” Senator Henderson said.

“This schools tax is nothing more than class warfare from Daniel Andrews and Victorian Labor.”

“This tax puts the delivery of vital education programs, including programs to support students’ mental health and well-being, at risk. Victorian students are already paying the price of Labor’s pandemic lockdowns, and this is just another kick in the guts for thousands of Victorian families,” Senator Henderson said.

“Coupled with the Albanese Government’s high inflation Budget which turned its back on middle Australia, Victorian families are paying a very high price for Labor’s financial mismanagement.”

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