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Labor’s failed leadership on antisemitism rewards unlawful protests at Melbourne University

In the face of Labor’s failed leadership on antisemitism, the Coalition is concerned about the University of Melbourne’s capitulation to pro-Palestinian protestors which rewards their intimidation and unlawful conduct.

The university has confirmed protestors will end their encampment and occupation of the arts building today on the condition the university discloses further information about its defence research partnerships.

This deal not only risks further protests at the Parkville campus but rewards conduct which is fuelling antisemitic hate and incitement.

I call on the university not to set this dangerous precedent.

Despite blatant breaches of university rules by protesting students and staff, the university has declined to initiate any misconduct proceedings. This is a serious abrogation of responsibility.

A Coalition government will not allow any university to be held to ransom by any group, on any issue.

We will ensure disciplinary and police action is taken against protestors, as required, so that universities are a safe place to study and learn.

The education minister’s continuing silence over the encampments is untenable. Jason Clare needs to stop rolling out the red carpet to the activists and antisemites and do his job.

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