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Labor should be ashamed that schools are turning to charities to feed hungry students

Australian families are feeling so much pain from the Albanese Government’s misguided policies that countless school children are going hungry.The Australian newspaper reported yesterday that school principals are calling on charities to help feed their students. In October 2022, Foodbank Australia found that more than 1.3 million children were experiencing severe food insecurity and seven interest rate rises later this situation has only worsened.There is record demand for charity and foodbank services against a backdrop of inflation, rising rates and reduced donations.“School children are distracted, tired and irritable because they are hungry. How can they possibly learn under these circumstances?,” Senator Henderson said. “School principals are calling on the support of local charities to provide breakfast programs, lunches and sometimes even take-home meals,” Senator Henderson said.“Half a million households are struggling to put a meal on the table each night.  Children are literally going to school without having enough to eat. We are asking the impossible of these students.”  “All we hear from Education Minister Jason Clare is talk. If he wants to help disadvantaged families, he needs to come up with a plan to support them feed their children,” Senator Henderson said.  “It’s time for the Albanese Government to act on this cost-of-living crisis, address inflation and stop failing Australian families.”

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