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Labor fails 3 million Australians over student debt refunds

The Albanese government’s claim it is delivering $3 billion in student debt relief is in tatters after it released legislation with no date as to when refunds will be delivered, according to Shadow Minister for Education Sarah Henderson.

This is more uncertainty from Labor which is desperate to cover up the alarming rise in HELP (Higher Education Loan Program) debt indexation, driven by Labor’s home-grown inflation.

Some 3 million Australians have been hit with a 16 per cent increase in their student loan, or an additional $4,000 on an average loan of $26,000, since Labor was elected.

While the Universities Accord (Student Support and Other Measures) Bill 2024 changes how HELP indexation is re-calculated, if passed student debts will still rise by more than 11 per cent. Alarmingly, there is no date by which student debt refunds will be paid.

“In the face of Labor’s cost of living crisis, this is a kick in the guts for struggling students who are desperate for this refund to pay their bills,” Senator Henderson said.

“After months of delays, Education Minister Jason Clare has sold out 3 million Australians by failing to provide any certainty as to when refunds will be delivered.”

“It is alarming this bill does not include the date by which student debt refunds will be paid. Jason Clare is treating 3 million Australians with contempt.”

“Under the legislation introduced into the Parliament today, the government could push these refunds into the never-never.”

“Jason Clare must legislate the refund date, no ifs or buts.”

“Whether it’s student debt, housing or paying the bills, young Australians continue to suffer acute cost-of-living pain under this incompetent Labor government,” Senator Henderson said.

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