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Human rights in Victoria must not be ignored

In Senate Estimates today, it was disappointing to see the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) ducking and weaving on the issue of human rights breaches in Victoria.

One of the AHRC’s functions is to promote the discussion of human rights in Australia.

Many Victorians have suffered greatly from the curfew and other restrictions on their liberties and freedoms. Given there were no health reasons for the curfew, on the evidence this may constitute a serious breach of human rights.

While the AHRC recognises that Australians have been exposed to potentially unnecessary restrictions on their rights and freedoms, the most draconian restrictions have been imposed in Victoria.

As part of its mandate, the AHRC needs to examine these matters in detail.

I am pleased that the AHRC has spoken out about the handling of the arrest of pregnant Ballarat woman, Zoe Buhler, who was handcuffed by police in her home, in front of her family, despite her compliance.

22 October 2020


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