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Government can act today on report into anti-Semitism on university campuses

The Albanese government can act today and with the “urgency” called for from its own inquiry into anti-Semitism on university campuses by supporting the Coalition’s amendment for a National Higher Education Code to Prevent and Respond to Anti-Semitism.

Shadow Minister for Education Sarah Henderson said the report of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights report makes clear there has been a failure of leadership by the Albanese government and vice-chancellors in stamping out anti-Semitism on our university campuses.

“In the face of so many serious incidents of anti-Semitic hate and incitement at Australian universities, the Coalition has been calling for urgent action for many months,” Senator Henderson said.

“The committee has confirmed what so many Australians have witnessed since 7 October 2023 – a disturbing prevalence of campus anti-Semitism which has left Jewish students and staff feeling unsafe with brazen incidents occurring without consequence.

“Every part of a university campus should be safe for all. That Jewish students are being segregated in ‘safe rooms’ at a number of universities is disgraceful and reflects an appalling failure of leadership by the Albanese government.

“It is time for Labor and our universities to take their head out of the sand and stamp out campus anti-Semitism in all of its ugly forms.”

Coalition members of the committee reiterated the importance of a judicial inquiry into campus anti-Semitism, the merits of which were recognised by the majority government committee despite Labor and the Greens blocking the Coalition’s continuing efforts to set up a judicial inquiry.

“It is time the Prime Minister showed some leadership by setting up a judicial inquiry and backing the Coalition’s proposal for a higher education anti-Semitism code,” Senator Henderson said.

“I also welcome the committee’s call for reform of laws governing the employment of university staff and Australian Research Council grant recipients.

“Where there is anti-Semitic conduct, universities and the Australian Research Council must have stronger powers to sack staff and take action against research grant recipients.

“Nine months after I first raised concerns with Education Minister Jason Clare, it is intolerable that no action has been taken against Macquarie University academic and ARC research fellow, Dr Randa Abdel-Fattah, who has a dark history of advocating hate towards Jewish Australians,” Senator Henderson said.

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