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Don’t let Daniel Andrews get away with it, Statements by senators

As the former Victorian police chief commissioner Kel Glare said in Peta Credlin’s excellent Sky News documentary – the Cult of Daniel Andrews – never in his lifetime has he seen a government as corrupt as the one led by Premier Daniel Andrews.

The Premier is currently at the centre of four corruption inquiries. He has left a trail of corruption and cover up.

After turning Melbourne into the world’s most locked down city where police fired rubber bullets at protestors …

After presiding over a health crisis and a broken Triple Zero service that caused the deaths of 33 people/or the hotel quarantine scandal that killed 801 Victorians …

After driving our state into the ground with crippling debt and higher taxes which threatens Victoria’s future …

After the gross mismanagement of infrastructure projects like the $4.7 billion West Gate Tunnel blowout …

After the dirty deal with Prime Minister Albanese to funnel nearly all federal infrastructure money for Victoria – $2.2 billion – to the discredited suburban rail loop ….described today by Macroeconomics Advisory as the worst infrastructure project of all time …

I say – don’t let Victorian Labor get away with it.

The only way to end the corruption, combat the cost of living crisis, fix our health system, pay down the debt, lower taxes, deliver real solutions for our great State – is to vote Liberal National.

In the Geelong region, despite massive funding from the former Coalition Government, we’ve seen failure after failure from lacklustre local Labor MPs who’ve taken their seats for granted – vital projects promised by Labor pushed into the never never – the women and children’s hospital, the rail duplication to South Geelong, the Grubb Rd Ocean Grove safety upgrade, the Geelong convention centre …

When local residents were locked out of the state, stranded in cars and caravan parks, these Labor MPs did nothing to bring them home.

On behalf of the people of Victoria, I say – don’t let Daniel Andrews get away with it.

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