I am writing with a further update on the work of the Morrison Government as we continue to respond to the many urgent health and economic challenges resulting from the Coronavirus pandemic.
A sincere thank you
In recent weeks, Australia has made very significant gains in reducing the growth in the number of daily coronavirus cases and “flattening the curve.” The plan is working and we are saving lives. On behalf of the Morrison Government, I cannot thank you enough for all that you are doing at this very difficult time.
COVIDSafe app
Please join with me to sign up to the COVIDSafe voluntary contact tracing app which will help save lives, including our frontline health workers. Some 1.89 million Australians have downloaded and registered the COVIDSafe app as at 4.00pm today. In order to get through this pandemic as quickly as possible, we need as many as possible to sign up.
COVIDSafe creates a “digital handshake” which provides health officials with crucial information about anyone who has been in contact with a person diagnosed with coronavirus, vastly increasing tracing capabilities and expanding our capacity to control outbreaks. Please see health.gov.au for more information and my media release here.
Together we can get through this
Please scroll down for an update on all the latest news including our government’s economic measures, critically important health advice and information about support for people and families.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if ever I can be of assistance and, together, we can and will get through this.
Best wishes
Sarah Henderson
Liberal Senator for Victoria

How the #COVIDSafeapp works: contact tracing is vital to combating the coronavirus and flattening the curve
The COVIDSafe app speeds up contacting people exposed to coronavirus (COVID-19). This helps health officials support and protect you, your friends and family. The app is now available from the Apple App Store and Google Play.
Expanded testing
Testing for coronavirus is now available to every Australian with mild respiratory symptoms including a cough and sore throat.
Job seekers
Job seekers will be exempt from reporting their mutual obligation requirements up to and including 22 May 2020.
Elective surgery
Restrictions on elective surgery will gradually ease from Tuesday 28 April.
Stay home
Everyone should stay home unless you are: shopping for essentials, receiving medical care, exercising or travelling to work or education.
Out in public
No more than two people should be out in public together, with the exception of family and household groups. Check State and Territory websites for further enforcement information.
The Government has passed legislation for the $130 billion JobKeeper Payment to keep more Australians in jobs and support businesses affected by the Coronavirus.
Higher education
A new Higher Education Relief Package will support workers who have been displaced as a result of the COVID-19 crisis and who are looking to upskill or retrain. It will also provide funding certainty to higher education providers.
Frontline health
The Australian Government has now received 58 million protective face masks that will help protect frontline health workers at risk of COVID-19.
Cyber crime
There has been an increase in COVID-19 themed cyber activity towards websites designed to either install software or steal personal information and banking details.
Domestic aviation
The Australian Government guarantees domestic aviation network to capital cities and regional centres.
Stay informed
Download the official government ‘Coronavirus Australia’ app in the Apple App Store and on Google Play.
More? Read → aus.gov.au/news
Common symptoms of COVID-19 include:
– coughing
– fatigue
– fever
– shortness of breath
– sore throat
Online symptom checker
You can also use the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Symptom checker → aus.gov.au/symptom-checker
Have symptoms?
If you are sick & think you have symptoms, book an appointment to seek medical advice. Find your nearest health centre → aus.gov.au/health-services
The doctor will tell you if you should be tested. They will arrange for a test if needed.
Self isolating?
If you are in self-isolation because you are confirmed or suspected to have Coronavirus (COVID-19), or have been in close contact with a confirmed case, use this form to help us track the spread of the virus → aus.gov.au/covid-form
If you are having a medical emergency call 000.
Everyone MUST practice good hygiene
It protects against infection & prevents the virus spreading.
🤧 Cover your coughs & sneezes with your elbow or a tissue
Put used tissues straight into the bin
🧼 Wash your hands often with soap & water (including before & after eating & after going to the toilet)
Use alcohol-based hand sanitisers
Avoid touching your eyes, nose & mouth
You MUST also practice:
– Social distancing → aus.gov.au/social-distancing
– Limits on public gatherings → aus.gov.au/public-gatherings
– Self-isolation (self-quarantine) → aus.gov.au/self-isolation (where necessary)
🧹 Clean & disinfect frequently used surfaces such as benchtops, desks & doorknobs
Clean & disinfect frequently used objects such as mobile phones, keys, wallets & work passes
🌬 Increase fresh air available by opening windows or adjusting air conditioning
If you’re affected by coronavirus, Services Australia can help with information and services for:
Carers → aus.gov.au/carers
Families → aus.gov.au/families
Indigenous Australians → aus.gov.au/indigenous
Job seekers → aus.gov.au/job-seekers
Older Australians → aus.gov.au/older-australians
People with disability → aus.gov.au/disability
Rural and remote residents → aus.gov.au/rural-remote
Students and trainees → aus.gov.au/students-trainees
If you haven’t received a payment → aus.gov.au/you-dont-receive-payment
Mental health and other support
Get support and advice for:
Mental health → aus.gov.au/headtohealth
Family and domestic violence → aus.gov.au/family-domestic-violence
If your business has been significantly impacted by Coronavirus find out how to access the JobKeeper payment. → aus.gov.au/jobkeeper
If you need support for your business and employees, you can find information including financial assistance, eligibility & timing for government support by going to: aus.gov.au/support-for-business
An international travel ban is in place for all Australians.
All travellers to Australia or Australians returning from overseas are required to quarantine for 14 days in a hotel or designated facility.
🦘 Within Australia
Only essential travel within Australia should occur at this time. TAS, NT, WA, QLD & SA border closures. Anyone entering these states or territories are required to self-isolate for 14 days.
For information on how to self-isolate (self-quarantine) go to → aus.gov.au/self-isolation
For more details on restrictions in Victoria, see the Victorian Government’s website.
Via the official Coronavirus app on your AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/au/story/id1504899584
Via whatsapp Download whatsapp and go to https://aus.gov.au/whatsapp