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Bringing Australia and the Arab world closer together in Victoria

I congratulate Deakin University on successfully applying for a grant of $20,000 from the Council for Australian-Arab Relations (CAAR) for Women Know MENA Australia-Lebanon exchange.

Deakin University is one of 20 successful recipients of the CAAR’s 2019-20 grants program, which strengthens and celebrates links between Australia and the Arab world.

Deakin University from Geelong is just one example of the diverse and innovative projects funded by the CAAR.

The Australian Government is committed to promoting people-to-people and institutional links between Australia and the Arab world.  The CAAR seeks to achieve this by advancing areas of shared political, economic and social interest and building a greater awareness and appreciation of each other’s cultures and values.

The CAAR is chaired by Councillor Houssam Abiad and consists of members drawn from business, media, entertainment and education. For more information about CAAR, successful grant recipients and the grants program go to: 

12 November 2019

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