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Bolt report, Sky News, 21 May 2024

TopicsUniversity encampments, inaction of education minister and Albanese Government, Mark Scott, Zaky Mallah.

Andrew Bolt: We are joined by shadow education minister Sarah Henderson. Sarah, we’re seeing these protests against Israel, there are student protesters at so many universities now occupying parts of the campuses in Melbourne University’s case, occupying a building, harassing students chanting, frankly genocidal chants, in my opinion, though, calling for the destruction of Israel, calling in even for `Intifada’, which is like a name for terrorist attacks on Israeli Jews, what should be done?

Senator Henderson: Well, Andrew, great to join you and firstly, we’ve seen a shocking failure of leadership from the Prime Minister and the Education Minister. They should have thrown the book at universities which have not stood firm against antisemitism. Students should have the strongest action taken against them both disciplinary action and also police action. The situation at Melbourne Uni and Sydney Uni is absolutely intolerable. Last Wednesday, students were warned that there would be serious consequences if they didn’t leave the building. They’re unlawfully occupying this building of course, and yet no action has been taken. So, bring in the police, restore law and order and safety to university campuses. And frankly, this is as I say, a shocking reflection on the Albanese government which has said very little about this alarming situation at some universities.

Andrew Bolt: It’s not a free speech issue?

Senator Henderson: It’s not a free speech issue. Free speech is absolutely supported at every university. But here they have totally crossed the line. They are intimidating. They are harassing. They are subjecting all students to blatant antisemitism, antisemitic hate and vilification. Andrew, I spoke at the rally in Melbourne on Sunday, and I was very close to the pro-Palestinian protests and it was really frightening. Very, very intimidating. This is just unacceptable, everyone on a university campus deserves to be safe and frankly, if Mark Scott, the vice chancellor at Sydney, and Duncan Maskell, the vice chancellor at Melbourne can’t do their job – we know Duncan of course has resigned – but they should go immediately. This should not be tolerated under any circumstances. And the fact that Jason Clare who basically defended antisemitic chants and terrorists’ slogans saying `these mean different things to different people’, I mean, that is absolutely appalling. I mean, frankly, he is not up to the job. And as I say it’s just absolute chaos. It’s bringing the universities into disrepute, and law and order needs to be restored immediately.

Andrew Bolt: It’s interesting, isn’t it? You mentioned Mark Scott, he used to be head of the ABC as well. Mark Scott, is Vice Chancellor of the university where students have chanted for `Intifada’, where a group of Muslim men marched through this campus, chanting all sorts of slogans and carrying the Shahada flag of Islam. You’ve had one of his senior lecturers go to the rally two days after the October 7 massacre, the rally to Sydney Opera House saying `resistance is justified’. That’s a comment about that massacre. You’ve had children being taught how to chant `Intifada, Intifada’ at the protest camp at his own university. And what’s he done? What has this man done?

Senator Henderson: Andrew, it’s absolutely disgusting. Mike Scott is rolling out the red carpet to the extremists, the activists and frankly, the terrorist sympathizers. The senior academic Nick Riemer. He should have sat by now. Nick Riemer was also involved in blockading those two women from Tel Aviv University for an hour-and-a-half in a room that was absolutely Shocking. Shocking leadership from Mike Scott, shocking leadership from the Albanese government and to defend these terrorist chants Andrew. I mean, it’s just appalling. This is blatant antisemitism. This is blatant hate speech. This crosses the line. Students chanting `Intifada’,`The River to the Sea’, all the rest of it, intimidating and harassing. They should be expelled and as I say if Mark Scott cannot do his job, then he should go.

Andrew Bolt: Yeah but maybe Mark Scott knows the zeitgeist more than you or I Sarah, this is a bloke who’s made a successful career out of not resisting extremists. You might recall that he did nothing, said almost nothing. When an extremist called, Zaky Mallah, didn’t actually crashed it, was invited on to Q&A to grill one liberal Frontbencher. Here he is:

Excerpt (Q&A, ABC, 2015):

Zaky MallahI pleaded guilty to threatening to kill ASIO officials. The Liberals now have just justified to many Australian Muslims in the community tonight to leave and go to Syria and join ISIS because of ministers like him.

Andrew Bolt: Sarah Henderson that was on Q&A when Mark Scott was head of the ABC. He didn’t do much then, he’s not doing much now. Is there a pattern?

Senator Henderson: Well, regrettably I think there is a bit of a pattern he mishandled that situation with that convicted terrorist very, very badly back in 2015. And it now does look a bit like Mark Scott is rolling out the red carpet to the extremists and the activists and not taking appropriate action. I mean, the bottom line is Andrew, everyone must be safe at Sydney University and that is certainly not the case at the moment.

Andrew Bolt: Sarah Henderson, thanks for joining us.

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