Agricultural shows and field days cancelled or postponed during to the Covid-19 pandemic will be eligible to apply for the $25 million Round 2 of the Supporting Agricultural Shows and Field Days program in coming weeks.
Minister for Agriculture and Northern Australia David Littleproud said a further $25 million is being provided under the Supporting Agricultural Shows and Field Days and Supporting Showmen and Women programs in addition to $34.5 million provided in the first round.
“COVID-19 has forced the cancellation of more than 700 show and field day events since early 2020, incurring significant losses for operators in the past two consecutive years,” Minister Littleproud said.
“Those hit hardest are the local showmen and women – often small, independent, sole-traders or family-based operations that cannot absorb the costs, with flow on effects for years to come,” Mr Littleproud said.
Senator for Victoria Sarah Henderson said shows and field days are supported by more than 50,000 volunteers and about 4,000 showmen and women.
“Shows at Geelong, Bendigo, Ballarat and many field days in between are of significant social and economic contribution to hundreds of local families and the impact of cancellation of these events has been devastating,” Senator Henderson said.
“Local shows support farm innovation, grow local businesses and provide an annual event many look forward to every year to take the family to.
“The Morrison Government is investing a further $25 million to help ease cash flow pressures as operators emerge from the pandemic, with the target to return to full operation, with shows generating around $1 billion to the national economy,” Senator Henderson said.
$21 million will be provided for operational costs of shows cancelled in 2021 due to COVID-19 with an additional $4 million towards reimbursing showground rent of showmen and women, with application guidelines to be published in coming weeks.
12 October 2021