Drought-hit communities and farmers in Victoria will get a significant boost from the Morrison Liberal Government’s $709 million drought relief package.
The latest investment in our drought communities was announced by the Prime Minister in Canberra on Thursday.
Liberal Senator for Victoria, Sarah Henderson, said the package was designed to support both farmers and Victorian communities.
“This will see money flow right through the Victorian economy,” Senator Henderson said.
“Farmers in Victoria will have access to loans of up to $2 million with no interest or repayments for the first two years.
“This will save farmers who refinance thousands of dollars and help them get back on their feet when the drought breaks.
“For the first time businesses in Victoria that are dependent on agriculture will also be able to access interest-free loans of up to $500, 000.
“This will protect jobs in Victoria and make sure we can bounce back once the drought breaks.
“Another big win is the 100 Gl of water from South Australia that will be used to grow feed for farm stock.
“That can produce up to 120,000 tonnes of fodder which would be a big help to Victorian farmers.
“Nationally, another $378 million will also go into drought-affected community projects and an extra $138.9 million into our Roads to Recovery initiative.
“There’s also $10 million so schools can give concessional fees to families facing drought and a $5 million childcare fund.
“Victoria has been doing it tough through this drought and this package will help everyone get through it.
“It helps to protect our jobs and economy so when the drought breaks we will bounce back faster,” said Senator Henderson.
7 November 2019