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Bridging the gap – teaching the next generation about what’s on their plate

The Liberal and Nationals Government is working to ensure our farming future by investing $5 million to bring kids and farms closer together.

Liberal Senator for Victoria, Sarah Henderson, said kids were increasingly removed from directly experiencing life on the land which was a barrier to choosing agriculture as a career and allowed myths to perpetuate.

“Australian agriculture has a bright and prosperous future so we need to place a high value on educating young people about where and how their food and fibre is produced,” Senator Henderson said.

“That’s why we are delivering on an election commitment and investing up to $5 million towards the Kids To Farms program which is all about bringing farms and kids closer together.

“We need to think now about the farmers of tomorrow and how important it is for kids to have a greater understanding of the mighty contribution agriculture makes to Australia’s way of life, regional communities and the economy,” Senator Henderson said.

Minister for Agriculture, Senator Bridget McKenzie, said the new program will encourage young people to better understand agriculture, including the many career opportunities it offers.

“Our future workforce will operate drones, use satellite technology and deploy precision agriculture techniques,” Minister McKenzie said.

“We need more opportunities for young people to engage directly with agriculture, to see their food and fibre growing and hear first-hand about our increasingly innovative industry that sustains our land as well as feeding and clothing the world,” the Minister said.

State Farming Organisations are the eligible applicants for grants to deliver Kids To Farms, which is part of the Liberal and Nationals $10 million Educating Kids About Agriculture election commitment.

Consortia applications are welcome and interested parties should contact their State Farming Organisation to express their interest in partnering on projects.

Grant applications open 30 January 2020 and close 26 February 2020. Details about the program and how to apply are available on the Community Grants Hub at

30 January 2020

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