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Mornings with Tom Elliott, 3AW, 23 May 2024

TopicsUniversity of Melbourne encampment, questions over agreement reached with protesters.

Tom Elliott: Okay, so overnight the pro-Palestine encampment at the University of Melbourne is in the process of being disbanded. It was in the Arts West building but was also out on the lawn. The students say they want the University of Melbourne to disclose any agreements, any research deals that the university has with weapons companies. And I believe the second part of that is once they disclose them, they’re supposed to divest themselves of it. Now, you could argue the merits of what the students are arguing but for the university just to give into a noisy minority of students like that. I think it’s an abrogation of its responsibilities. Senator Sarah Henderson is the federal Coalition’s education spokesperson. Senator, good morning.

Senator Henderson: Tom, a very good morning to you.

Tom Elliott: So has Melbourne Uni caved in?

Senator Henderson: Absolutely. This is an appalling decision by Melbourne University, but we’ve also seen a real failure of leadership from the Albanese government and the Education Minister Jason Clare. He should have thrown the book at universities, Tom, for failing to take misconduct proceedings and police action where warranted and it took him eight days to even make a comment in relation to the illegal occupation of the arts building. So this is appalling and it says illegal action and intimidation can work at Melbourne University.

Tom Elliott: Well, this is the thing I mean, I’ve spoken to a number of parents of Jewish students and Jewish students themselves who say,`I’m leaving Melbourne University’ – I don’t think it’s going to be much better at other universities – but they’re going to leave, they’re not going physically to university any more. They feel intimidated, people have hurled abuse at them and spat at them and all this sort of thing. And it sounds like the people behaving in that fashion are the ones who have won here.

Senator Henderson: Look, that is absolutely the case. Tom and I can assure all of your listeners and all Australians, and this would never happen under a Coalition government. We will not tolerate any person on a university campus not being safe. And this is a complete abrogation of responsibility and duty of care to all students at the university.

Tom Elliott: Why do you think Melbourne Uni is frightened of those students?

Senator Henderson: Look, I don’t know but I have had this confirmed this morning – the fact that it has taken no misconduct proceedings against any student, students who are involved in harassment, intimidation, illegally occupying buildings, shows a complete weakness of leadership by the university. Now I know the Vice Chancellor Duncan Maskell has resigned, frankly, they need to get someone else in there very quickly who knows how to run a university properly. It is untenable and in fact, the only thing that universities should be doing is referring everyone to their website where they do disclose details about defense contracts. That’s fine. I think there’s $62 million of defense contracts at Melbourne University at the moment, but for this sort of blackmail and intimidation to reign supreme at the university is just completely unacceptable. And for the Greens to come out and celebrate this Tom. I mean we know they are a blatantly antisemitic political party, that speaks volumes about the appalling members of the Greens.

Tom Elliott: Alright, thank you Senator. Sarah Henderson is the federal Coalition education spokesperson.

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